Featured News
New not-for-profit accounting rules for gifts-in-kind
A recently issued FASB accounting standard requires not-for-profits to provide additional information on the contributions of nonfinancial assets they receive.
Deadlines loom for less-restrictive retirement loans
Americans adversely affected by COVID-19 have until Sept. 22 to take money out of their retirement accounts.
IRS to bring back Form 1099-NEC
The IRS will replace the nonemployee compensation part of Form 1099-MISC with Form 1099-NEC starting in tax year 2020.
AICPA urges passage of ‘PPP 2’ legislation
The AICPA issued a news release Thursday renewing the organization’s call for the swift passage of legislation to extend and expand the Paycheck Protection Program.
Final regulations re eligible terminated S corporations
The IRS on Tuesday, Sept. 15, issued final regulations regarding the treatment of eligible terminated S corporations (ETSCs).
E-filing problems plague Sept. 15 deadline
The AICPA is asking the IRS for guidance on how tax practitioners can move forward after e-filing problems prevented them from making the Sept. 15 deadline.
Helping clients to avoid costly errors
The start of the fourth quarter is a good time to check in with clients and work with them to ensure there are no errors in their tax documentation.
Reducing the risk of cyberattacks
Accounting firms of all sizes are continuing to face a range of cybersecurity threats, but there are strategies to reduce their risk of becoming victims.
IRS issues new per diem rates
Taxpayers who incur expenses while traveling away from home have new per-diem rates to use in substantiating certain of those expenses.
New charitable deduction for nonitemizers
A provision of the CARES Act permits eligible individuals who do not itemize deductions to deduct $300 of qualified charitable contributions as an above-the-line deduction.