Featured News
IRS issues more BEAT guidance
The IRS has issued finalized regulations that provide additional guidance on the base erosion and anti-abuse tax (BEAT).
Lease accounting for retirement communities
The AICPA recently published new nonauthoritative guidance on lease accounting for continuing care retirement community Type A life care contracts.
IRS discusses crowdsourcing, convertible virtual currency
In a recently released memorandum, the IRS discussed the taxation of convertible virtual currency received in a crowdsourcing market.
Succession planning amid COVID-19
Succession planning is often viewed as a lengthy and administrative chore, but it has recently risen to the top of the agenda for many CEOs since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
AICPA launches .cpa domain
The AICPA has begun an early phase rollout of .cpa, a restricted internet domain that allows CPAs to connect with clients and the public with greater trust, security and verification.
IRS temporarily accepts e-signatures for certain forms
To protect the health of taxpayers and tax professionals, the IRS will temporarily allow the use of e-signatures on certain forms that are not filed electronically.
Proposal to enhance auditors’ risk assessment process
The AICPA proposed a new standard Thursday that enhances auditors' assessment of the risks of material misstatement in an audit of financial statements.
Guidance issued on payroll tax deferral
The IRS recently issued much-anticipated guidance on the payroll tax deferral ordered in a presidential memorandum on Aug. 8.
Tools to help nonfilers receive EIPs
The IRS now provides tools for tax practitioners to reach out to taxpayers who do not normally file tax returns and are eligible to receive economic impact payments.
Preventing remote work burnout
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to force many people to work remotely, it’s important to focus on ways to prevent work-from-home burnout.