Featured News
Networking secrets that will help advance your career
Whether you’re an introvert, an extrovert or an ambivert, learn how to prepare for a networking event and make the most of your time when you arrive.
Wisconsin announces new child sales tax rebate
Governor Walker and the State Legislature have created a new “one-time” Child Sales Tax Rebate to return some of the $400 million dollar budget surplus to eligible taxpayers.
TCJA cuts tax on royalties from overseas
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) effectively cuts the tax U.S. companies owe on royalties from overseas use of intangible assets and intellectual property.
AICPA recommends flexibility in partnership audits
AICPA Tax Executive Committee Chair Annette Nellen sent a letter to the IRS Chief Counsel’s Office, recommending the IRS provide a simplified adjustment procedure for partnership audits.
Asking the right questions can help you fast-forward through strategic inflection
While gradual change is effective in some situations, in the face of risk or an opportunity you may need to accelerate to turn around poor performance.
10 habits of highly effective CFOs
Being a workaholic is a BIG mistake according to Jack McCullough, who has served as finance chief for no fewer than 26 startup companies.
The top retirement decisions facing older workers
A study of the most important retirement questions facing older, middle-income workers has been released.
IRS creates a special page for TCJA
A special page has been created on the IRS website related to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).
Channel conflict into productivity
Used constructively, conflict can help your organization identify problems, find solutions and move forward in a positive way.
How to keep your friends and family while studying for the CPA Exam
CPA candidates have a lot of decisions to make as they prepare to take the CPA Exam. Before they roll up their sleeves and get busy studying, they have to determine when and where to study, how many hours to devote to the exam, and how to balance an already hectic schedule.