Featured News
IESBA revises code of ethics
The International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants released revisions Monday, Oct. 5, to the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants.
Ransomware attacks surge in pandemic
Ransomware attacks reached a new high amid the pandemic, prompting cybersecurity experts and government officials to urge people not to pay ransoms because it's the only way to end the cycle.
IRS rules on biz meals, entertainment
The IRS has released the final regulations on business entertainment expenses and clarified treatment of deductions for food and beverages.
Employee resilience impacts bottom line
Building employee resilience is an important component in building back our economy. Resilience can be taught, and it can have a positive impact on your organization’s bottom line.
M&A spikes in third quarter
Mergers and acquisitions came back with a bang in the third quarter, as executives rushed to revisit deals left on hold and boardrooms regained confidence after a roller-coaster year.
GDP slid 31.4% in second quarter
The U.S. economy plunged at an unprecedented rate in Q2 and, despite positive predictions for Q3, will likely shrink overall this year for the first time since the Great Recession.
DOR seeks input on proposed tax rule SS 003-20
The DOR is soliciting comments concerning the economic effect of a proposed administrative rule relating to the credit for tax paid to other states.
Enhancing the reliability of non-GAAP reporting
Engaging external auditors to perform procedures outside the financial statement audit related to non-GAAP financial measures or KPIs can raise public confidence in the information.
Strengthening client relationships amid the pandemic
By assisting new and existing clients during the COVID-19 pandemic, CPAs can build upon their success by maintaining strong client relationships.
Safety ranks as top pandemic-related work concern
U.S. finance executives rank the safety of employees and customers as their greatest pandemic-related business concern, according to a third-quarter survey.