Featured News
IRS allows digital signatures for 6 more forms
The IRS is temporarily allowing the use of digital signatures for six more forms to help protect the health of taxpayers and tax professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Focusing on the right information trends
By narrowing your focus to significant trends that directly impact the accounting industry, you can cut down on any other extraneous information that competes for your attention.
IRS issues COVID-19 testing guidance
COVID-19 testing and diagnostics services are not considered minimum essential coverage for purposes of the Sec. 36B premium tax credit and Medicaid, according to new IRS guidance.
Investing in anti-fraud efforts
To mitigate the growing threat of economic crime, organizations are now investing in anti-fraud efforts to stay ahead of potential criminals.
IRS expands tax help into more languages
As part of a larger effort to reach underserved communities, the IRS is taking a number of steps to expand information and assistance available to taxpayers in additional languages.
Certain BBA partnership returns due soon
Partnerships subject to the centralized partnership audit procedures under the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 (BBA) must file their amended returns before Sept. 30, 2020.
WICPA backs bill to protect businesses, schools as they reopen
The WICPA joins more than 60 trade associations and local chambers of commerce in requesting lawmakers support legislation protecting businesses and schools as they safely reopen.
Gov. Evers launches $5M cultural grant program
Gov. Evers recently launched a $5 million COVID-19 Cultural Organization Grant Program to help cultural organizations with their COVID-19 pandemic-related costs.
Tech tips for working better remotely
With such massive changes currently happening in work environments due to the COVID-19 pandemic, now is the time to be tech-savvy in your new digital workspace.
Tech tools to enhance your bottom line
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the rate at which accounting firms must use the right tools to maximize productivity and efficiency.