Serve on the WICPA Board

The selection of applicants is guided by evidence of leadership, vision and collaboration; specific skills and experience that appear to be particularly valuable to the WICPA Board of Directors at the specific time; and commitment to the WICPA and the CPA profession as demonstrated by history of active participation in the WICPA. Additionally, applicants for the WICPA Board of Directors must be a CPA Member of the WICPA and have a status in good standing.

General Expectations for WICPA Board Members

  • Attend all WICPA Board of Directors meetings (January, April, June and October).
  • Attend the Member Recognition Banquet & Annual Business Meeting and New CPA Banquet.
  • Encourage and support membership and involvement in the WICPA.
  • Support advocacy efforts through contribution to CPAC or LIF.
  • Support accounting career awareness by making a donation to the WICPA Educational Foundation.

Positions on the WICPA Board of Directors


The Chair shall be the principal elected officer and shall preside at all meetings of the members of the WICPA and Board of Directors. He or she shall perform all executive and other duties ordinarily pertaining to the office of Chair or delegated to him or her by the Board. He or she shall be, ex-officio, a member of all Board committees. He or she shall also be an AICPA member and be appointed to the AICPA Council to serve until the Chair-Elect is appointed to the AICPA Council.

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In the absence of the Chair or in the event of the Chair’s death, inability or refusal to act, the Chair-Elect shall perform the duties of the Chair, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to, all the restrictions upon the Chair. The Chair-Elect shall perform such other duties and have such authority as from time to time may be assigned to him or her by the Chair or by the Board of Directors. He or she shall also be an AICPA member and shall be appointed to the AICPA Council following the end of the Chair's term on the AICPA Council.

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The Secretary/Treasurer shall perform all the duties incident to the office of Secretary/Treasurer, and have such other duties and exercise such other authority as from time to time may be selected or assigned to him or her by the Chair, Finance Committee or the WICPA Board of Directors.

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Within the authority granted by the WICPA Board of Directors, the Directors fulfill their responsibilities by: 

  • Discharging duties as assigned by the WICPA Board of Directors, Executive Committee and Chair.
  • Serving on board committees as assigned, including Executive, Finance and Advisory Groups as the Board may establish from time to time.

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AICPA Council

AICPA Council members are an important communication and representation link between the CPA profession in Wisconsin and the AICPA. Within the authority granted by the WICPA Board of Directors, the AICPA Council members fulfill their responsibilities by: 

  • Attend AICPA Council meetings (March, May and October).
  • Provide reports from AICPA Council meetings to the WICPA Board of Directors.
  • Advance and promote WICPA and its members at the AICPA level.
  • Must be an AICPA member in good standing.

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