Featured News
IRS to extend transcript-faxing service
Watch for extended end date for transcript-faxing service.
Your data on the dark web
Billions of hacked usernames and passwords are available to download on the dark web.
IRS activities post-shutdown
The IRS issued important updates on post-shutdown activities.
Congress aims to block shutdowns
Wisconsin congressional delegates introduce bills to pay furloughed federal employees and prevent future shutdowns.
Tough tax season for farmers
Wisconsin farmers and their accountants struggle to prepare tax returns and meet deadlines under new tax laws.
Tax season is open
he IRS began accepting and processing federal tax returns for tax year 2018 Monday, Jan. 28, a day earlier than last year.
Lifelong learning is vital
Learning occurs in various ways, with 90 percent taking place using nonconventional methods.
Options for high student loan debt
Student loan debt for high income individuals is higher than that of average income individuals, but more options may be available to them.
AICPA advocates for penalty relief
The AICPA sent a letter to the Department of Treasury and the IRS with five recommendations to benefit taxpayers by providing more extensive penalty relief.
IRS back to work, but backlogged
Although the IRS is back to work, it will take a long time to recover from the shutdown.