Featured News
Surviving busy times
CPAs can successfully survive busy season using some practical strategies others can also use.
SALT refunds explained
The IRS clarifies the tax treatment of state and local tax refunds originating from any year in which the new limit on the SALT deduction is in effect.
Client reminder
With more taxpayers walking into the Taxpayer Assistance Centers, the IRS wants CPAs to remind clients about the need for appointments.
GDPR compliance for U.S. businesses
U.S. business owners could face devastating costs for GDPR noncompliance.
TCJA’s effect on charitable giving
CNBC takes an early look at the new tax law’s impact on charitable contributions.
EIN application process revised
Beginning May 13, only individuals with tax identification numbers may request an EIN according to the IRS.
Wisconsin teachers receive WICPA grants
Nearly $53,000 in accounting career awareness grants have been awarded to 37 Wisconsin high school accounting and business teachers from the WICPA Educational Foundation.
New Section 965 Q & A
New Q & As are available related to tax year 2018 return filing and payment obligations arising under Section 965.
New life insurance regulations
IRS has proposed regulations on new reporting requirements for life insurance contract transactions.
FASB proposes more changes
FASB proposes revised improvements to income tax disclosure requirements.