Featured News

  • CPA Exam candidates: Practice with sample tests

    June 20, 2019

    The AICPA has posted tutorial videos and CPA Exam sample tests to help candidates prepare.

  • 2019 Inflation-Adjusted Vehicle Depreciation Limits and Income Inclusions

    June 19, 2019

    The IRS provided the limitations on depreciation deductions for passenger vehicles placed in service or amounts of income inclusion for leased vehicles in 2019.

  • HSA Contribution Limits in 2020

    June 18, 2019

    Revenue procedure 2019-25 provides the 2020 inflation-adjusted amounts for health savings accounts as determined under Section 223 of the Internal Revenue Code.

  • Understanding Educational Assistance and Related Tax Credits

    June 17, 2019

    CPAs and tax advisers may be able to help their clients save significant taxes using a new strategy that most taxpayers know nothing about.

  • Section 199A and the Aggregation of Trades or Businesses

    June 16, 2019

    Section 199A aggregation may allow a taxpayer to claim a greater QBI deduction for the combined trade or business than if the wages and capital limitation was applied separately.

  • Reviewing contracts with clients

    June 15, 2019

    There are several basic questions that CPAs can ask business clients to help create awareness about things their clients should consider without exceeding the scope of their expertise.

  • Marriage tax penalty after TCJA

    June 14, 2019

    The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) left unchanged some factors contributing to a marriage tax penalty, while other TCJA changes actually increased the penalty in certain instances.

  • Evolving the CPA licensure model

    June 13, 2019

    NASBA and the AICPA seek feedback from CPAs and stakeholders as they consider ways to evolve the CPA licensure model. The WICPA board is keenly aware and plans to provide input.

  • SSA error may cost some seniors

    June 12, 2019

    Due to a Social Security processing error, a quarter of a million Medicare beneficiaries may be getting bills for up to five months of insurance premiums they thought they had paid.

  • Giving feedback to defensive employees

    June 11, 2019

    Management gurus will tell you that feedback is important to employees, especially to Millennials—who supposedly need and crave feedback but rarely ask for it—and Generation Z, 40% of whom say they want feedback daily.