Featured News
New PPP loan forgiveness FAQs
The U.S. Small Business Administration recently released guidance answering frequently asked questions regarding the forgiveness of Paycheck Protection Program loans.
Proposed rules govern carried interests
The IRS is now requesting comments after proposing new rules on the tax treatment of carried interests.
GASB seeks field test participants
The GASB is seeking participants for a field test of the standards it proposed in the Preliminary Views, Revenue and Expense Recognition, in June 2020.
More relief for building rehabilitation credit
The IRS has issued additional relief in satisfying the substantial rehabilitation test to lessen the burden on taxpayers claiming the rehabilitation credit during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Agility key to navigating COVID-19
Clients desperately trying to navigate the coronavirus pandemic need the assistance of accounting practices that can quickly pivot to provide services.
IRS now accepting Form 3115 requests via fax
The IRS is now allowing taxpayers to fax duplicate copies of their automatic method change requests.
Risk management lessons from the pandemic
Executives are still learning important takeaways from the COVID-19 pandemic, says one risk management expert, and planning ahead for risks is crucial to their company’s success.
Firms go beyond traditional services
Many accounting firms are moving beyond traditional accounting and compliance services and offering more strategic offerings, according to a new survey.
DOR offers limited in-person appointments
The Wisconsin Department of Revenue is now offering limited in-person appointments at its Appleton, Eau Claire, Madison, Milwaukee and Wausau offices.
Business interest expense limitation guidance
The IRS has issued a long-awaited package of guidance regarding the Sec. 163(j) limitation on business interest expense deductions.