Featured News
Protecting client data while working remotely
Tax professionals can protect client data while working remotely by looking out for phishing scams, hackers and other potential risks.
Updated FAQs for sick leave, family leave credits
The IRS has updated its FAQs about recent legislation that extended and amended tax relief to certain employers under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.
Identity theft a risk for online consumers
Most Americans view identity theft as a real threat, but many are not taking steps to protect themselves while shopping online, according to a new survey.
Simplified revenue recognition for private company franchisors
Private company franchisors will be able simplify their revenue recognition accounting under a new standard issued by FASB.
New tool to motivate staff during busy season
Show appreciation for your staff and keep them motivated through busy season with a free 2021 Busy Season Calendar.
WICPA joins coalition to conform state PPP law
The WICPA has joined a coalition that urges the Wisconsin legislature to conform to the federal decision to provide PPP loans as tax-free.
Fed leaves interest rates unchanged
The Federal Reserve has pledged to keep its low interest rate policies in place even well after the economy has sustained a recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
State revenue projections jump by $1.2B
A new Legislative Fiscal Bureau report projects the state of Wisconsin to begin the next budget cycle with a balance of nearly $1.9 billion.
SBA aims to improve PPP loan review
The U.S. Small Business Administration says it is taking steps to improve the PPP loan review so small businesses have more time to access funds.
DOR considers proposed changes to homestead credit
The DOR is seeking input on a proposed administrative rule that defines "earned income" and "primary income from farming" for purposes of homestead credit.