Featured News
Gov. Evers enacts COVID-19 liability shield for businesses
On Feb. 25, Gov. Evers signed into law a Senate bill that contains a liability shield protecting businesses and other entities from predatory coronavirus-related lawsuits.
New report reaffirms value of licensure
Women and minorities benefit significantly from current licensing policies in career fields that require advanced education, according to a new research report.
Tax Court denies lodging deduction in new case
In a new case, the Tax Court ruled that an individual’s tax home was a hotel where he stayed for business activities.
AICPA seeks certainty on 2020 tax year deadline, relief
In a recent letter to Treasury and the IRS, the AICPA called for greater certainty for taxpayers and tax practitioners and for underpayment and late-payment penalty relief.
March 1 tax deadline for farmers, fishers
The IRS is reminding those with income from a farming or fishing business that they can avoid making any estimated tax payments by filing and paying their entire tax by March 1.
PPP processing delays continue
Measures implemented by the U.S. Small Business Administration to screen for potential fraud in PPP applications continue to cause stress and delays in the system.
Wisconsin Tax Bulletin 212 now available
Wisconsin Tax Bulletin 212 from the Wisconsin Department of Revenue is now available.
PPP changes to aid smallest businesses
President Joe Biden announced changes Feb. 22 to target more PPP assistance to the nation’s smallest businesses and ventures owned by women and people of color.
New flexibility for health FSAs, dependent care assistance
The IRS is now providing more flexibility to employee benefit plans offering health flexible spending arrangements (FSAs) or dependent care assistance programs.
New ESG road map for auditors
In a publication released this week, the AICPA and the Center for Audit Quality provided a road map for ESG disclosures and assurance.