Featured News

  • How CFOs can put AI to work

    July 19, 2019

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly moving from the experimental to the operational, and forward-looking CFOs can use the technology now to improve efficiencies.

  • How to avoid outliving your money

    July 18, 2019

    Running out of money in retirement is no joke. Know the seven common retirement planning mistakes, to maximize your savings efforts and watch your money grow.

  • Lease accounting post-adoption

    July 17, 2019

    Now that many companies have adopted the new lease accounting standards, it’s time to set some policies, processes and controls to ensure long-term compliance.

  • YPs: How to gracefully decline a job offer

    July 16, 2019

    A recent trend has emerged of young professionals “ghosting” employers who’ve made them an offer they decided not to accept. But there are graceful ways to decline a job offer.

  • WICPA Engages Members of Congress

    July 15, 2019

    The WICPA recently asked Wisconsin members of Congress to sign letters asking Treasury and the IRS to consolidate existing units into a Practitioner Services Division.

  • The effect of technology on ethics

    July 14, 2019

    With the impact of evolving technology in mind, the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants recently restructured and revised its Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants.

  • Science and hiring the right talent

    July 13, 2019

    Putting more thought into hiring may make managing easier, according to one business psychologist, who also says scientific methods can help firms find the right talent.

  • Overall construction spending down in May

    July 12, 2019

    Recent data showed overall construction spending fell in May by 0.8%, as home-building declined for the fifth straight month and nonresidential and government construction dipped.

  • Gov. Evers signs bill simplifying tax laws

    July 11, 2019

    On July 10, Gov. Tony Evers signed Senate Bill 54. The new law promotes transparency and accountability between business sellers and purchasers, while enhancing protections for both.

  • IRS rules on truncated TINs

    July 11, 2019

    As the IRS continues to find ways to reduce identity theft, the agency has issued final regulations that permit employers to use truncated taxpayer identification numbers on Forms W-2.