Construction Contractors: Accounting & Auditing

Construction Contractors: Accounting & Auditing

Construction Contractors: Accounting & Auditing


Daryl Krause, CEO, DG Krause LLC


The construction industry stands out significantly in its need to adhere to various accounting and auditing standards. This course provides essential knowledge required for success in this field, addressing key aspects affecting construction accounting and auditing. It includes an exploration of the new revenue recognition guidance, alongside other recent developments, helping you gauge their implications for yourself, your business or your clients. Additionally, this course sheds light on the dynamics between contractors and sureties. Given the construction sector's substantial contribution to the economy and its continual expansion, staying abreast of the latest changes in accounting and auditing for this industry has never been more vital.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recall ways to provide efficient, high-quality audit services to construction clients.
  • Identify significant accounting and auditing considerations relevant to construction contractors.
Major Topics:
  • Contract accounting and revenue recognition from contracts with customers
  • Contractor financial statements
  • Working with a surety
  • Audit planning, procedures and reporting
  • Long-term contracts
8.0 CPE Credits


Registration is open through 11/14. Register by 10/14 for Early Bird Pricing.

Member Price

$379 / $329 Early-Bird pricing ends on 10/14/2024.

Nonmember Price

$479 / $429 Early-Bird pricing ends on 10/14/2024.

  • Retired, Part-time, Unemployed and Leave-of-Absence Members save an additional $50
  • AICPA Members save an additional $30

Thursday, November 14

8:30am to 4:30pm (Check-In 8:00am)

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